Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Quick hits! aka. More stuff from the weekend and today up in yo face!

Ok, today has been a monster post day. I wrote that first column yesterday, but didn't get it up till earlier, then Uni Man came scooting into my life, but with a few more minutes I plan to finish up on the weekend quick hits. Then post one more weekend story with my response to the Mavs game.

But before I get to that I received this text message from Beau at 8:49 AM.
Guess who just woke me up? DREW! but it was the cops calling me from drews phone! They were arresting him for PI unless i came to get him !He was passed out in a stairwell.

I swear to you, you can't make that shit up. That means Drew almost got arrested three times in two days. That's unheard of! All I can say is that Drew is quickly becoming a legend. I think it might be a good thing that he's going home soon.

--I got beat by Cassie when drinking 40's outside the Rangers game. In my defense I wasn't trying to drink it fast, but as she said, it shouldn't happen under any circumstances. I'm still looking for a way to earn back my dignity. There's a lesson here.

--As any of my ex-girlfriends will attest, I refuse to go to the doctor unless I am about to die. It's not that I think I'm tough, its that its a pain to go to the doctor. In fact, my stubbornness is mostly unfounded, but thats neither here nor there.... The point is I am just getting over a sinus infection, and i got better with only the help of vitamins, and a steady routine of staying out till two or three while getting hammered each night. So basically.... Fuck you, medical science! I win!

--Ok, I take back everything I said about Steve Nash, but Lebron still got hosed on the MVP.


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