
Today is my co-worker, Jeffrey's, last day with us. So we decided to go out to lunch with some people as kind of a last hurrah with him. Now, Jeffrey is buddies with our CEO (the one who called me 'chief' which I wrote about here), and he paid for our lunch, thus making my lunch hour a company expense--which means everything is paid for and I get worker's comp if I were to slip on a banana peel or something strange like that. Where am I going with this?
Well, lets just say that I ordered an absurd amount of food, and that on the walk back I kept wanting to dart across the street in the middle of traffic like I was in a life-sized game of Frogger. I swear to you I'm not crazy.
Have a good weekend.
I read this post before I read the one after this and I have to wonder why you would even begin to question the fact that you are as weird, if not more so, than your fellow co-workers. You bring a whole new twist on weird.....a life-sized game of frogger? Gotta love ya! Thanks for the entertainment!
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