
How do you ruin the weekend of my sister's wedding? Have the Mavs lose to the Heat for the third game in a row, putting them in the position of being eliminated. Lets recap how this happened...
Well, before I get to that, Let me say that the intro for the Heat games is by far the gayest thing I have seen at a basketball game since I saw two shirtless, bulked-up Eastern Europeans lifting each other and balancing eachother with their bodies at halftime of a Mavs game. I don't know exatly what I am supposed to think when I see this guy wearing glasses like he's Cyclops from X-Men in a white Heat jersey, spinning around with two flags like he's just been sprinkled with fairy dust. Honestly, my best guess is that this is Miami Heat basketball thorough interpretive dance. No excuses, Miami. That's lame.
Also, how come the Heat announcer demands that they put his face on T when he's doing the starting line up? How vain is this guy? You're paid for you voice, not your mug. And if you're gonna put your face up there at least look at the camera instead of acting like you don't know its on you. I guess the point that I'm trying to make is that public address announcers are lame, some more than others.
--Everyone here in Dallas is ready to string up the refs for this game like its Salem, Mass. But I think we have to face the facts that Dallas blew the game, not the refs. Just think about how the San Antonio fans blamed the refs, lets not be those guys. Dallas lost because of dumb mistakes. Missed freethrows by Dirk and Howard seemed to be the glaring mistakes. Also, turnovers by Damp when he passed the ball right to Wade. And lets not forget Harris missing three layups.
--Also, laziness came into this. What about when Dirk and Damp let posey grab a rebound that was right in front of them down the stretch because both thought the other would get it.
--OK, now that that is out, lets touch on DWade. We have to face it, he's gonna get boarderline calls. Dirk gets them too; this is shown by how he has set a playoff record for free throws (By the way, next time your drunk try to say the words "free throws" its nearly impossible and extremely entertaining if you involve your friends. Trust me). Both guys will get their calls, but Dallas needs to stop making excuses. You're not fouling him? Great, but how is he blowing past three of you? Someone make a stop on this guy. There are five of you out there, use everyone if you must. Just stop crying about it, and stop him.
--I'm nervous that this team is unraveling from top to bottom. Just look at the press conference with Cuban and Avery. I have never seen either of them just lose it like that. I mean, they were mean to the reporters. Granted I would be too. But I think they could have found a better way to show their anger. Couldn't they have sent Stackhouse into the media room where he could have thrown eggs at Shaq and Wade during their interviews only to disappear in the confusion under his disguise of a tranch coat, fadora, and Grouch Marx glasses? Maybe he could even save one egg for the wierd-cyclops-flag-waving-intro guy. Is this really too much to ask?
--DWade WAS NOT fouled by Dirk on the final shot. Not even close. I'm not surprised he got the call, but the upsetting part is that for the entire playoffs the refs have displayed that they are going to make you shoot to win on a buzzer shot. That is, they aren't gonna call a ticky-tack fouls and put the game on the foul line. But that's exactly what they did. On a terrible call no less. I have to stop thinking about this or I'm gonna stangle myself with my tie.
Ok, I'm better now. Just needed that off my chest. I'll do something funny later.
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