Me and my buddy Pat were at the movies this weekend and we unexpectedly ran into a low-level celebrity. As we were waiting for Pat's girlfriend to get out from the bathroom, a familiar looking man with kind of spiked hair and a goatee walks past me and looks me dead in the eye. I give him one of those "
Wait a second, I know you from somewhere" looks, as he gives me one of those "
oh, shit I've been spotted" looks and hustles to the restrooms. As this man walks into the bathroom, I turn to Pat and say,
"Dude, that was Tim Frickin Cowlishaw, the sports writer from the Dallas Morning News and Around the Horn." Unimpressed, Pat says, "
Why don't you ask him when he's gonna win on Around the Horn. Isn't the guy like 0-53 lifetime?" I had to agree with him. Cowlishaw's inability to win on the competitive sports talk show is almost legendary, but thats another issue for another time. We regained our focus and readied ourselves for what we had to do next. So me and Pat wait for him to leave the bathroom so that I can get a confirmation that my suspicions are correct, and low and behold, they were. He walked past us and went into
Pirates of the Caribbean. As we left Pat said, "
I think we should have said something to him." To which I could only reply,
"I think we should have jumped him in the bathroom." I have no idea why I thought this, but I still maintain that it would have been a good idea.
I don't know who this guy is. Man, do I feel out of the loop. :-( Have a great week.
he writes for the Dallas Morning News on the Sports Page. He is also, as said, on Around the Horn which is a sports show on ESPN in the afternoons
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