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Wow, you really can't say much more about the Mavs-Spurs series that hasn't been said. But I'll leave it with this: We just witnessed the two 60 win teams unload on each other in the middle of the ring. When the dust settled it came down to a missed bunny shot from Duncan. You really can't get much closer than that. Still referring to the Spurs, let me say one thing about Ginobli. While he is a terrific player, I still demand that he stops flopping like he's playing soccer. I mean is this just in his South American blood or is he a special specimen? Seriously, Manu, man up and play some ball. I really like both of these upcoming series, but I think Detroit should handle Miami. Not that I don’t think Miami could win, but it will come down to their perimeter players. I see Dallas being able to handle PHX, but their wild-ass style of basketball could win them a game or two.
One other quick note: I got this text message today from a buddy:
I have one thing to say to Tim Duncan. Diop it like its hot, Diop it like its hot.
Not much more you can say about that...Unless you count the voicemail saying the exact same thing. Sometimes I can see why Texas fans are made fun of.
--http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_people-- Reason #432 why Wikipedia is the greatest site on the internet, bar none
--http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/more/05/22/alcatraz.swim.ap/index.html-- Story about a 7 year old who swam from Alcatraz Island to shore in the San Francisco Bay. When I was 7, swimming across 50 degree, shark infested water was not on my to-do list. I was more concerned with figuring a way to ride my bike off my diving board into the pool without getting grounded for it. This kid's dad could be the Earl Woods of swimming, but more insane. Can we say emancipated minor?
--http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUHIfOicCbU-- Video of Avery "accidentally" racking Josh Howard during last night's game. This video is proof that talking trash to any Maverick will put your ability to bear children in danger.
--http://www.lazertheband.com/home.html-- All the way from Germany its the Mavs's unofficial band, Lazer! The songs are kinda catchy, but the best is the butchered grammar in the FAQ section.
Q: Why does Lazër wearing a Speedos for show?
A: It is bad question. Lazër is wearing a Speedos for everythings, not show only.
This site will inform you on all things Laser "that is confident." Truth be told, I do feel dumber for checking this site out, and a few people here at work now think I'm gay.
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