Daily Links + Quick Hits= Crazy Delicious (UPDATED!)
Getting the links ready for today because its another boring day at work, while i am pumping myself up for the Mavs game tonight. Wait...My boss just walked by me. She looked at me, laughed, and said, "Yes, I'm eating a big pickle." Unintentional sexual innuendo in the office is the best!
Some notes about last night......
I watched a good portion of the Rangers game last night and was loving it. Its always great to see your team go up 9-0 on the Yankees. I love seeing those Yankee fans getting all pissy. And there is nothing worse than blowing that lead and losing 13-12 in the bottom of the ninth inning. Dixie summed it up in a voicemail that said, "What an atrocity. It's not good that I live on the second floor, because I had one foot over the edge for the rest of the night."
Watching the Suns win in overtime was really cool even though I am openly rooting for the

I can't sum up what it is about the Sun's that I don't like. Maybe its because they remind me of the Sacto Kings a few years back, or maybe its because they knocked the Mavs out of the playoffs a year ago. Maybe I'm just jealous that Nash left Dallas to go there. Regardless, my buddy Pat may have said it best in this text message:
The more I watch of the Suns, the more I dislike them. For a team with a history of underachieving, they and their fans are really cocky. Go Clippers!
I think Pat is right on the money. Phoenix and their fans, much like Sacramento, are starting to get on my bad side.
Part of me can't see the Spurs letting tonight's game slip away, but at the same time I can't see Avery letting the Mavs get unfocused. My prediction.....ummm pass. On the other hand, I don't think that there is any way Detroit loses tonight to the Cavs. After allowing Cleveland to win two more games than they thought, and getting embarrassed by Rasheed's guarantee I predict a double-digit win. Of course I hope I am wrong on this prediction. Kinda like when I was absolutely positive that someone was in my apartment; prompting me to freak out and maraud through it with a machete looking for any sign of danger, hoping my roomate wouldn't unsuspectingly jump out of a closet. I think it was best for everybody that I was wrong on that one.
--http://news.yahoo.com/s/usatoday/cubanismadaboutmavericksmovies--Interesting article about Mavs owner Mark Cuban's interest in producung movies. Not sure what is being implied when his partner describes him as not "the average mortal human being" in respect to his time and passion put into the Mavs and his production company. When asked, Cuban pulled a top hat out of thin air, he then, cocked his head and winked as he dissappeared into a whirling puff of smoke.
--http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news;_ylt=AnyXQbOUO1bUGf1CEtxbHjo5nYcB?slug=ap-knicks-brown&prov=ap&type=lgns-- Knicks Coach Larry Brown says he refuses to be bought out from his "dream job" depite being having lost the confidence of the entire organization. This sounds a little too much like that one friend everybody has who starts dating a really hot chick and is completely miserable with her. He hates being with her because she embarasses him in front of his friends, not to mention the fact that she's cheating him anyway, but for some reason he keeps ignoring her threats of leaving him and will not allow it to happen for no reason other than the fact that he has always wanted this girl. These things always end up looking like a train wreck.
--http://www.tronguy.net/--Apparently Milton from Office Space was forced to move his desk once again. This time he went from the basement of Initech to the 1980's Disney movie, Tron. Check out his pictures and wallpaper. Why does this guy create and wear faux Tron costumes? Because someone has to.
--http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/playoffs2006/news/story?id=2447655-- For some its We Will Rock You, for others Some T.I. might get them pumped. Back in high school I always listened to Enter Sandman right before a game. For Dirk its David Hasselhoff. This means only one thing: Dirk is very, very German.
-Best senior prank ever! Somewhere a stoner is nodding in approval.
--http://www.nbc.com/Video/videos/snl_1432_narnia.shtml--This video needs no introduction as most of you have seen it, but let me just say one thing. Using the term "They call me Aaron Burr, I'm dropping so many Hamiltons" is only funny to Political Science and History Majors...and I am one of them. I've also learned that if you watch this enough times at work, they'll take away your speakers.
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