Friday, May 12, 2006

Semper Fi, little buddy!

So what happens when its Drew's last night in town and I've already gotten drunk at happy hour? An hour and a half late for work is what happens. But we all had a blast and there was close to no one at work today. Things just seemed to work out. Anyways, we will miss you, Drew. Tear it up in Connecticut and we will see you in the Fall. With that out of the way here are some Friday Links up in yo face!

- I don't know what's funnier: The hand drawing or the fact that all these people actually think that there is a leprechaun in a tree in Mobile, Alabama. All I know is that I agree with the dreadlocked guy who says, "I wanna know where da gold at?" Well put, good sir.

- Pat gave me this link a few days ago. I've actually seen some of his stand-up before, but this gets most of the highlights. I can't help but think, though, that when this guy goes to a party he becomes the absolute center of attention for about thirty minutes before he starts becoming too creepy with the girls and over steps his boundaries; leaving him recycling his act to the shy nerdy guys that are hanging out in the corner of the room. Just call it a hunch.

- I know by now that most everyone has already seen this, but Bubb Rubb and lil Sis represent my old hometown of Oakland, and the unintentional comedy on this is just off the scale. Watch for Bubb Rubb almost totaling his car after missing a stop sign when is showing off his whistle tips. Whoooo whooo!

- I wonder what this kid is doing right now. Can't you just see this guy in an office somewhere and an e mail flashes up that reads, "We found you!" Suddenly his desk is a mess and he is frantically trying to come up with a reasonable excuse for this catastrophe. Also, when I see this I think of Beau, Joel, Ryan, Lee and Chad....but that goes without saying.

- - I just stared at this for fifteen minutes here at my desk. I can say without a doubt that Bill Nye was a pimp and his theme song is a phat jam! Bill, you, sir have blinded me with science.

- O.J. Simpson gets his own pay-per-view show, called "Juiced," where he "punks" unsuspecting victims. His pranks range from trying to sell someone his famous white Bronco to disgusing himself to trick everyday people. The last time O.J. jumped out and yelled 'surprise' he killed two people. Somehow I see this ending badly.

ps. I never put up that other story and I may not ever. I had a change of feelings about it. So you;re just gonna have to deal. Also, no Mav's report because i am too upset about the NBA not scheduling a game for tonight. That is inexcusable. Now I'm grumpy.


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