Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Daily Links....Brokeback style (UPDATED!!!)

No real particular reason for this one.

--http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8YdFkVuthI&search=brokeback%20squadron--Top Gun II: Brokeback Squadron. That's right, Top gun was a chickflick in disguise, and I will always believe it. Not that there is anything wrong with singing, "You've Lost that Loving Feeling" in a bar with Drew.

--http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrUb6dF5xCA&search=brokeback%20to%20the%20future--Brokeback To the Future. First Parkinson's Disease, now we are making him gay? Wow, Michael J. Fox just can't catch a break.

--http://www.ejbdotcom.net/pages/Brokeback_Yankees.html-- Chokeback Yankees. Despite how much disdain I have for Alex "Purple Lips" Rodriguez, he has always seemed kinda....off. This is more than justified.

--http://www.collegehumor.com/movies/1690550/--Brokeback by the Bell. I always believed that the furthest Zach Morris ever got with Kelly Kapowski was first base. I may have been way off.

--http://www.thesmokinggun.com/mugshots/stappmug1.html--Possibly the gayest of them all. This is a mugshot of former Creed frontman, Scott Stapp after he was arrested for drunken driving back in February. I am willing to bet that moments before he was taken into custody, he just went bezerk, posing with his arms out and ripping his shirt until we get what you see here.


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