There are certain moments in life that makes it worth living. Some of these can be finding a new love, sharing a good laugh with a friend, or realizing that a fictional baseball player from the 1980's somehow got transported into 2006 into the very same role he played. Let me explain. I was watching the Yankees play the Rangers and Yankee catcher Sal Fasano came up to bat. Suddenly I had a realization; I had seen this guy before. I combed my thoughts and finally knew who he was.
Clue Haywood.

Tell me that Fasano is not Clue Haywood, the bad-guy New York Yankee from the movie
Major League. Tell me. I dare you. You can't convince me. I mean the guy is an instant throw back to the 80's with his 'stache, and he plays on NY just like Haywood did in the movie. Coincidence? No way. This guy is a dead-ringer. I'm speechless. Is there anyway we can start calling him "Clue" on a national level? Do I have to call ESPN? We need to get some wheels on this thing and get it rolling. Look out Cleveland Indians, Clue Haywood is back!
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