I don't know what to say about the Rangers-Angels fight on Wednesday night other than to say that I was there. Do you know how awesome that is? Before that night I had never seen a baseball fight in person. I remember once in Oakland, I saw Bip Roberts charge the mound in the bottom of the ninth inning, but nothing much was made of it. But hey, what do you expect out of a grown man named Bip?
While the fight was started last night by the Angels persistence to hit the Rangers, and the Rangers stubbornness about upholding "the Code" of baseball, this all goes back to Padilla going Tom Cruise on everyone and suddenly losing his mind right there on the mound the night before. I've seen plenty of sports figures "lose it" in a game before, but to just start throwing at the opponent? That's pretty low. Not real proud to be a Ranger fan after that one. Making things worse, is that both these teams are in a pennant race and both of them seem a bit more concerned with dealing out knuckle sandwiches than concentrating on trying to keep pace with Oakland, who is playing out of their minds right now. Think about this, before last night (when TEX lost to Detroit), the Rangers had won four of their last five and actually lost ground on the Athletics. Its things like that that make me want to gnaw on a cactus.
The best part of the fight was Feldman throwing down his glove to deliver a blow and disappointingly landing it in Adam Kennedy's armpit. There is something very comical about grown men trying to fight each other, especially when it's painfully obvious that they have no idea what they are doing. They may be athletically tuned, but do not kid yourself; these are professionals, not a bunch inmates. A baseball brawl typically starts like the epic battle scene in Braveheart but ends like a pillow fight; they run valiantly at each other only instead of fighting they just pile onto one other and nip at the other team like a bunch of puppies. Its really kind of ridiculous. The same fight could happen at an office with pretty much the same results -- no one getting hurt -- only we would all be fired at the office...and I imagine paper would be everywhere.
Another interesting bit of the melee was Mark DeRosa's QB blitz. I think Cowboy's coach Bill Parcells should look into signing DeRosa. Did you see his Roy Williams sack on Adam Kennedy? No offensive line in the NFL would have touched him. Plus he would have made a great tandem playing along side DeMarcus Ware. DeRo and DeMarcus. It’s got a ring to it. Either way nice take down, DeRo.
That's all for now. I'll have another column up later today due to an overwhelming number of
complaints from many of you readers. The lesson, as always, complain till you get your way.
DeMarcus Williams? Is that anything like Demarcus Ware?
Anyway, I dig your blog. I might start updating mine again.
check and mate. Correction made. The lesson, as always, I am a dumb.
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