To be honest...
...this blogging thing is having its way with me. I have a number of things to write about, but I lack the gumption to actually write about them. I chalk this up to being far busier at work. I mean who would have thought that longer tenure equals more responsibility equals more work. Gone are the days when I would have hours of down time between assignments. I feel the working world coiling around me and drowning me into the river of routine. I also think that the amount of writing has decreased due to it being the dog days of summer. I don't know about all of you, but its hard to be cheery when its 104 degrees out every freaking day. And that's not the worst part; it stays that hot until 7:00 pm. I am starting to think that creativity and my assertiveness to write is produced in the sweat glands because the hotter it is, the more I feel like I have none left. Basically, this means stop e-mailing me to tell me to quit being lazy and to get writing. Just kidding, keep it up. It keeps me off my ass.
Another thing I would like to take issue with is the direction this site has taken itself. When I started this thing it was geared towards putting up old intramural write-ups. That was very short lived and my writing took over; where I tried to mix pop culture with sports. While I tried to keep a distinctive sports flavor, that too, has failed. I find now that the name of the site is more fitting to the content than it ever was. Kind of like if the movie Speed had started out as a film about ballroom dancing before the whole bomb on a bus thing kicked in and transformed it to an action movie. Despite how well some of the content fits the title, this was not my intended substance matter. With that said, I will try to implement the following format; sports, pop culture, and random stories from life. I know that sounds familiar to what I have been doing. And I probably have been using this formula, but I feel I have strayed a bit too far from "sports" due to baseball being the only thing going right now.
One more point of interest is the quality of the writing. I feel it has suffered. A few of you have said it has matured and is of more quality. Maybe its just me? Either way, I just had to get that off my chest. I really don't want a bunch of e-mails telling me my writing sucks on a particular day.
(Side Note: Someone just brought food to the office for a presentation and it smells like cat food. No joke. My family has had cats for all twenty three years of my life, and the smell is unmistakable. I may not eat today because of this. The worst part? It's brisket, so it looks just like cat food too.... oh wait. Some random sandwich company just brought us some samples of their food. The smell is delectable. My lunch is saved. The gods are smiling. Wait here while I scarf this down.)
I also will be busy in the next few weeks. I am traveling to Colorado next weekend, then have a big birthday weekend planned. After that it seems as if I may be going to Nashville for a few days. So will I be writing less? Not at all, I am aiming for more. Stick around because I'm not intending on going Dave Chappell on yall and disappearing to Africa. Stay with me. I won't steer you wrong.
So here is the plan. I am about to throw down an energy drink and churn out as many columns as I can in as much time as I can. No editing, no nothing. Then I will go back and post them after I have edited each of them. Like an ice cold Gatorade after a game of basketball, I am gonna provide a steady stream of lemon-lime flavored goodness up in yo face. Not sure if I will get one up today, but I'll do my best.

So here we go. Time to flex my writing muscles. So just sit back, relax, and enjoy your two free tickets to the gun show.
B. Viddy
p.s. I have added a few new links. Check out my buddy Luke's site for a bunch of lists. The best is the one entitled, "DEALBRAKERS." Also, my buddy Prem is up there with some tales of the Far East. I am cautiously putting up a link to e-mail me. If you wish to write me you can through this outlet, but please continue to use the comments section. They are underused as it is.
p.p.s. I have been looking to use that Ron Burgundy picture in this blog for quite some time now. Success.
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