Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Brick, where'd you get a hand grenade? (Memorial Day Weekend Madness!)

Weekend was just crazy on all fronts. I think some of you can attest to this. I know that I've had a night that is filled with substances that my body doesn't need when I walk from my apartment at 3:30 am leaving Reed and a lady there so I can go over to Pat's, only to be found later by Reed face-down on the floor at 5 or 6 am. Let's just say that a person needs some Jack in the Box after that. Consequently, I slept till 6 pm the next day, and didn't get any posts up. I thought about putting up an archived post, but then I remembered that no one reads this site. Paul summed this up on my facebook wall:

Viddy, I must say that you put in an incredible amount of effort into your blog to have it be seen by 8 people. Also, I'm home sick from work today, and I still think I accomplished more by shaving this morning than you accomplish at your job.

Thanks, bud. Appreciate all the love. I guess I didn't need to include the last part, but I figure that he's right. Second, why did you get up and shave on a sick day? I will never understand you.

Also, I want to give a shout out to Paul who is home sick today from work (SURPRISE!). Not sure what you do, something with computers or whatever, but I'm sure work is missing you the way I miss Sex in the City being on the air.

Weekend also featured some interesting moments. I think my two favorites were Chad having his ID stolen by a friend of his girlfriend. What's even worse is that he predicted it. There is nothing worse than handing something to someone and then uttering the words, "I'm never going to see that again. Am I?" Well, Chad, congrats on being right.

The other tidbit I liked was Reed parading around that same night as his basketball alter-ego "Dork" Nowitski. Chad suggested "Dark" Nowitzki due to Reeds dark hair, but i think "Dork" is far more fitting. All kidding aside though, Reed, you Dirk hair was phenomenal. But that’s neither here nor there.

The big issue today is the success of the Mavs and Rangers. Two weeks ago, both the Mavs and Rangers lost on the same day, both Reed and me agreed that we were on a 24-hour suicide watch. Since then, both teams have won on the same day two out of three times. That's enough to make you give your nearest and most bestest friend an exploding high five. Which, consequently, we are going to do right now!!!!

The other thing I wanted to mention was the buzz around Dallas about the Mavs. I have never seen this city like this. Everywhere you go someone is talking about the series. Its really getting me pumped about it. And, thus, we have some Mav's links up in yo face!

On to the links.....

--http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fqN7q4TM4o&search=Dallas%20Mavericks%20Josh%20Howard%20Avery%20Johnson-- Avery stars in Raiders of the lost Trophy. I think just watching how well the Avery face fits in with Harrison Ford's body is pretty cool,
especially as he leaps out of the way of the giant basketball.

--http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp4CIFfbJZU&search=dallas-- A movie that the Mav's promoed as The Avery Bunch. Song is lame, video is lame, editing is lame, but waiting around for the part where "and Mark Cuban as The Owner" makes me shout with joy. By the way, wouldn't it suck to have ownership that doesn't give a crap....thank god I'm not a Warriors fan. I would have drowned myself in the tub by now.

--http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcaVVcKI2E8&search=steve%20and%20dirk%20singing --I have to be honest, I have no clue what Dirk and Nash are singing here, but I'm sure its ridiculous. I don't know what they are singing because I have no speakers on my computer here at work. That comes from spending all day watching stuff like the "exploding high five" at my desk. There's a lesson here.

--http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=26417354&postID=114901704467621337-- Here is the Dirk/Nash song again, but it has an explanation with it. I swear that when I saw that video I predicted that it was Gordon's guitar, and guess what? I was right. You're just gonna have to trust me on this one.


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